by Harlan Kilstein | Nov 11, 2012 | The End of SEO
Why listen to people who have their heads up their posterior? Google’s Matt Cutts gives some simple suggestions. The most important: Give people a reason to link to your site! [signoff]
by Harlan Kilstein | Nov 11, 2012 | The End of SEO
Here’s an official video from Google discussing comment spam and forum spam. If you own a WordPress site, you know there are bots designed to post fake comments on your site. DON’T APPROVE THEM. Because if you do, Google will penalize your sites. Make sure...
by Harlan Kilstein | Nov 6, 2012 | The End of SEO
When everyone is doing “SEO” – what does that mean to the average guy? Here the heads of both Bing and Google discuss the problem of dealing in a niche when the “big boys” are already optimizing their content. [signoff]...
by Harlan Kilstein | Nov 6, 2012 | The End of SEO
A lot of people talk about negative SEO. That’s where people use black hat techniques – not to improve their own site – but to penalize yours. Here’s Google’s Matt Cutts discussing it. [signoff]
by Harlan Kilstein | Nov 6, 2012 | The End of SEO
Matt Cutts talks about Links Vs Social Signals. If you don’t know who Matt is, he is the head of the Web Spam team at Google. Translation: he’s one important dude. [signoff]